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Indonesia: Malang Builds the Capacity on Vulnerability Assessment to Improve the Adaptation Plan

19 May 2020 | IUC Asia, in partnership with the CCROM – IPB, conducted capacity building workshop to Malang’s official agencies as a part of climate action plan development. The workshop was designed to provide the knowledge to set up climate change adaptation plan which emphasize the climate risk and vulnerability assessments (CRVA).

Symptoms of changing climate have implications for Indonesia’s environmental and socio-economic situation. Just as environmental management and development affect each other, climate change poses a risk to development—and development planning should take account of the anticipated impacts of climate change.

Efforts to mainstream climate change adaptation into regional development planning are still at a relatively early stage in cities across Indonesia, although relevant and useful tools have been created by Government of Indonesia. The workshop highlighted the mainstreaming process which entails of the following steps:

  1. Undertaking climate risk and vulnerability assessments (CRVA) to identify the population groups, geographical location and sectors that are currently the most vulnerable.
  2. Identifying the development strategies that address the urban planning issue and deliver specified climate change benefits. The step would help to identify the priority actions.
  3. Conducting analysis based on priority actions in step 2 and risk level result in step 1. It would provide the list of possible adaptation measures that address the question 4W1H (What=the possible measures; Where=the geographical location; When= time implementation based on financing availability and urgency level; Who=responsible institution ; How = method of monitoring program.
  4. Implementing improvement measures to create a synergy program either within the sector or across the sector.

The workshop underlined that the climate risk and vulnerability assessments as a critical step that were concerned with the current climatic trends and/or projected future climate change in specific geographical areas; vulnerabilities of local natural systems and/or communities to current or projected climate-related impacts; climate-related risks in specific sectors and possible adaptation measures.  SIDIK as a CRVA tool developed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry was introduced in the workshop. It presented data and information on vulnerability index at provincial to village level data across Indonesia where the level of vulnerability was determined by the indicators. During the Q&A session, it was discussed the availability data from the several institutions to add SIDIK indicator for setting the exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity.

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