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Indonesia Best Practices

City Water Management, Urban Farming and Waste Management Initiative

Bandung City, West Java

Date: June 1, 2019

City Water Management, Urban Farming and Waste Management Initiative


The results of historical climate analysis that show the trend of an increase in extreme climate events, then climate change has occurred in the city of Bandung. Increasing the frequency of extreme climate events is expected to increase in the future, this condition is expected to contribute to increased risk due to climate change impacts with different levels of risk according to the level of vulnerability of urban villages in Bandung City. In addition, an increase in rainfall that has the potential to cause future flooding is expected to increase, especially in the northern and southern parts of Bandung City.


What should be done to deal with climate change?


Adaptation to Climate Change

  1. Million Biopori Programme and Infiltration Well

This movement is a mutual cooperation activity of the citizens of Bandung to create a biopori infiltration hole in the hope of reducing the puddle of water that causes flooding, fertilize the soil, manage organic waste and at the same time save water.

This million-biopori movement was launched by the Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil in 2013 and still continues until this day. About 3000 infiltration wells have also been made over the past three years. This infiltration well is also expected to help reduce the potential for flooding at the sub-district level.


  1. Urban Farming Programme

The urban farming programme is one of the efforts to improve food security, especially vegetable crops in the city of Bandung. This programme has started from 2014 and until now there have been 66 RWs in the City of Bandung implementing the Village Gardening Programme.


  1. Waste to Energy and Waste Bank Programme

This programme based on community participation is expected to reduce 35% of the volume of waste disposed to landfill. Currently, there are ± 50 Waste Banks in the City of Bandung.

Another effort conducted by Bandung city to mitigate Climate Change is by establishing Biodigester. A system that accelerates the decay of organic matter, and will produce biogas and other compounds through anaerobic decay. The biogas can be used to fuel cooking, heating, electricity generation, also running machinery.

In the city of Bandung there are ± 200 biodigesters placed in RW-RW, which is expected to be one of solution to overcome environmental damage from the accumulation of garbage and contribute to greening and energy savings in the city of Bandung.


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