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Indonesia: Technical Meeting on Climate Reporting Platform Integration

The IUC team organised a coordination meeting among the European Union’s Joint Research Center (JRC) and IUC’s technical partner CCROM (Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management) to discuss the integration of Indonesia’s climate reporting platforms (SIGN SMART – SIDIK) into the Global Covenant of Mayors’ Common Reporting Framework (CRF).


Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) of Indonesia established SIGN SMART, an on-line portal that provides information on GHG emissions/sinks at national, sectoral and sub-national levels for 5 sectors (energy, IPPU, agriculture, forestry and waste). Current system of SIGN SMART standardizes and automates calculation methodology, activity data, and emission factor thus allowing to reduce errors in calculating GHG emissions. It also organizes archive, update, and manage GHG inventory data. The system also enables users to perform QA/QC both visually and tabular to the inputted data. Once calculation process was completed, QA/ QC can be conducted to obtain results of the calculation by checking on the worksheet, CRF (Common Reporting Format), or displayed graphic in the system. SIGN SMART addresses the GHG reporting at national, subnational (province) and local (city) level.

There is another online platform developed by MoEF of Indonesia namely SIDIK, intended to facilitate local government to analyse the historical risk and identify the climate risk.  SIDIK presents data and information on vulnerability index at provincial to village level data across Indonesia. The level of vulnerability is determined by the indicators that affect exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of the village. The diversity of these factors change over time in line with the implementation of development activities and adaptation efforts. The level of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity levels is mirrored by the biophysical and environmental conditions, as well as socioeconomic conditions.

The meeting today highlighted the gaps between Indonesia reporting platforms and GCoM CRF. No significant deviation was observed, yet a challenge was there in  a way for transferring data set of Indonesia reporting platform into GCoM database.

In addition to the integration process, CCROM Team brought the issue on unavailability data at city level. Although the basic socioeconomic data are officially available in aggregated form at higher spatial levels (e.g. provincial and natioal levels), more specific, technical data  are not available at city level.  Some possible approaches were discussed included  the use of systematic downscaling  of higher-level official data; use of proxy official data; and data generation based on justified assumptions and parameters.

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