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Thailand | Mae Hia

Location and Climate:
Mae Hia is a district located in the south of Chiang Mai Province in northern Thailand. The district covers an area of 48.31 square kilometers and has a population of around 14,000 people. The climate in Mae Hia is tropical, with hot and humid summers and cooler winters. The average temperature is around 28 degrees Celsius.

Energy Profile:
Mae Hia is dependent on energy sources from fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. The district has limited access to renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. However, there are some solar panels installed on homes and buildings in the district.

Climate Change Impacts:
The effects of climate change in Mae Hia are becoming increasingly evident. The district is experiencing hotter temperatures, more frequent and severe droughts, and increased flooding during the monsoon season. These impacts have a significant impact on the local agriculture industry, which is a vital source of income for the community.

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